Are you ready to roll out the red carpet and give your team the star treatment? Look no further! In this blockbuster blog post, we’re bringing you over 1000 TV show-inspired team names that will make your squad shine like the brightest stars in the galaxy. Whether you’re a fan of sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, or drama, we’ve got you covered.
Table of Contents

TV Show-Inspired Team Names
From the small screen to the big leagues, TV shows have given us some of the most iconic characters and quotes in pop culture history. Here are some team name ideas inspired by your favorite TV shows:
The Walking Dead:
- Survivors
- Apocalypse Squad
- Zombie Hunters
Game of Thrones:
- House Stark
- The Night’s Watch
- The Unsullied
Stranger Things:
- The Hawkins Heroes
- The Upside Down Squad
- The Mind Flayers
The Office:
- Dunder Mifflin Scranton
- The Sales Squad
- The Party Planning Committee
- Central Perk Crew
- The Coffee Lovers
- The One with the…
- Stranger Squad
- Breaking Winners
- The Office Jokers
- How I Met Your Teammates
- Parks and Wrecking Crew
- Game of Throws
- The Walking Champs
- The Big Bang Team
- Money Heist Masters
- The Mandalorians
- The Supernatural Hunters
- Schitt’s Team
- The Westworld Wanderers
- The Brooklyn Nine-Winners
- The Mind Flayers
- Team Lasso
- The Ricktators
- The Cobra Kais
- The Umbrella Squad
- The X-Factor Team
- The Breaking Bads
- The Lost Explorers
- The Survivor Tribe
- The Euphoria Crew
- The Simpsons Syndicate
- The South Park Rebels
- The Dexter Detectives
- The House of Cards Clan
- The Witcher Warriors
- The Suits Squad
- The Battlestar Titans
- The Scranton Stranglers
- The Loki Legends
- The Ted Lasso Tacticians
- The 24 Hour Survivors
- The Riverdale Rebels
- The Superheroes of Smallville
- The Glee Club
- The Sons of Anarchy
- The Outlander Crew
- The Vampire Slayers
- The Narcos Nation
- The Peaky Blinders
- The Better Call Ballers
- The Starfleet Explorers
- The Hannibal Hustlers
- The Gilmore Greats
- The Yellowstone Wranglers
- The West Wing Warriors
- The Binge-Watchers
Fandom Favorites
Fandoms unite! Here are some team name ideas inspired by popular fandoms:
- The Naruto Ninjas
- The Dragon Ball Z Warriors
- The Attack on Titan Squad
Video Games:
- The Fortnite Fighters
- The Minecraft Masters
- The Overwatch Ops
- The Beatles Brigade
- The Rolling Stones Rockers
- The K-Pop Kings
- The DC Dynamos
- The Marvel Mavericks
- The Comic Crusaders
- The Potterheads
- The Whovians
- The Jedi Council
- The Stark Loyalists
- The Trekkies
- The Marvel Maniacs
- The DC Defenders
- The Baggins Brigade
- The Westeros Warriors
- The Shadowhunters
- The Sith Lords
- The Supernatural Hunters
- The Pikachu Posse
- The Sailor Scouts
- The Anime Avengers
- The Timelords
- The Percy Jackson Posse
- The Avada Kedavra Crew
- The Hogwarts Alumni
- The Lannister Lions

Genre-Specific Team Names
Get specific with these genre-inspired team name ideas:
- The Space Explorers
- The Time Travelers
- The Alien Hunters
- The Magic Makers
- The Dragon Riders
- The Quest Questers
- The Laughter League
- The Jokesters
- The Pun Masters
- The Soap Opera Squad
- The Melodrama Masters
- The Tragedy Troupe

The Ultimate Showdown: GOT vs. Star Wars
In the epic battle of TV shows vs. movies, which fandom reigns supreme? Here are some team name ideas inspired by the ultimate showdown between Game of Thrones and Star Wars:
- The Iron Throne Squad
- The Mother of Dragons
- The Night King’s Army
Star Wars:
- The Jedi Order
- The Galactic Empire
- The Rebel Alliance
- The House of Skywalker
- The Sith Walkers
- The Jedi of Winterfell
- The Mandalorian Starks
- The Lannister Empire
- The Targaryen Rebels
- The Darth Dragons
- The Iron Throne Strikers
- The Wildling Troopers
- The Dothraki Jedi
- The Stormtrooper Stags
- The Valyrian Vaders
- The Hound’s Clones
- The Millennium Maesters
- The Boba Blinders
- The Stark Destroyers
- The Sithborn Snows
- The Red Wedding Squadron
- The Kylo Crows
- The Kingsguard of the Republic
- The Westeros Wookies
- The Jon Solo Squad
- The Iron Falcon
- The Darth Direwolves
- The Night Watchmen of the Force
- The Greyscale Guardians
- The Brienne of Tarth Troopers
- The Jabba’s Bannermen
- The Sand Snake Siths
- The R2-Daenerys
- The Obi-Wan of the North
- The Varys Vaders
- The Mandalorian Mountain
- The Forceborn Faceless Men
- The Bounty Hunters of Braavos
- The Tyrell TIE Fighters
- The Theon Troopers
- The Grand Maester Yoda
- The Shadow Baby Siths
- The Padmé of Dragonstone
- The First Order Freys
- The Battle of Endorfell
- The Lightsaber Lions
- The Twin Suns of Casterly Rock
- The White Walker Wampas
- The King’s Landing Cantina
- The Smugglers of Dorne
- The Phantom Menace of Westeros
- The Kyber Crystals of Winter
- The Force Awakens the Direwolves

TV Show Team Names
- The Breaking Baddies
- Stranger Wins
- The Office Jokers
- Parks & Wrecked
- The Mandalorian Mercs
- The Friends Zone
- Suits & Ties
- The South Park Squad
- The Upside Downers
- The Big Bang Ballers
- The Sopranos Syndicate
- The Supernatural Hunters
- The Walking Dreads
- How I Met Your Winners
- The Sons of Anarchy
- The Game of Throws
- The Riverdale Rebels
- The Schitt’s Winners
- The Peaky Players
- The Money Heisters
- The Ted Lasso Legends
- The Mind Flayers
- The Arrested Developers
- The Golden Gals & Guys
- The Lost & Found
- The Westworld Wonders
- The Better Call Ballers
- The Squid Gamers
- The Brooklyn Nine-Ninjas
- The Gossip Queens
- The Rick & Morty Mavericks
- The Modern Family Force
- The House of Winners
- The Umbrella Champs
- The Bojack Brigade
- The Shield Soldiers
- The Breaking Wins
- The Grey’s Anatomy Aces
- The Simpsons Squad
- The Loki Legion
- The True Detectives
- The Survivor Instincts
- The Sherlock Sleuths
- The Cobra Kai Kings
- The Outlander Outlaws
- The Fargo Force
- The Doctor Who Crew
- The Dexter’s Killers
- The Stranger Squads
- The Viking Victors

Creative Team Names from Pop Culture
- The Meme Lords
- The Marvelous Squad
- The Pop Icons
- The Pixel Pioneers
- The Fandom Phantoms
- The Trendsetters
- The Retro Rebels
- The Power Rangers
- The Viral Vortex
- The One-Liner Legends
- The Meme Team
- The Blockbuster Bunch
- The Streaming Stars
- The Hashtag Heroes
- The Screen Scene
- The Hollywood Hustlers
- The YouTube Yodas
- The Vine Veterans
- The 90s Nostalgics
- The Superhero Sidekicks
- The Comic-Con Crusaders
- The Popcorn Poppers
- The Flashback Force
- The Pop Junkies
- The Culture Club
- The Movie Buffs
- The Fiction Fanatics
- The TV Bingers
- The Soundtrack Squad
- The Netflix Navigators
- The Fantasy Freaks
- The Pixel Pals
- The Iconic Influencers
- The Cosplay Crew
- The Viral Victors
- The Nostalgia Nerds
- The Animation Nation
- The Geek Chic Gang
- The Movie Magic Makers
- The Reboot Rebels
- The Legendary League
- The Cameo Kings
- The Fantasy Fellowship
- The TV Time Travelers
- The Binge Brigade
- The Cult Classic Crew
- The YouTube Unicorns
- The Pop Star Players
- The Hollywood Heavyweights
- The Nerd Herd
This is also on our list of names for Book club names

Funny TV Show Team Names
- The Parks & Rec Rejects
- The Big Bang Bunglers
- How I Met Your Teammates
- The Walking Dorks
- The Couch Potatoes
- Stranger Pings
- The Breaking Buffoons
- That ’70s Squad
- The Game of Groans
- The Schitt’s Winners
- The Office Pranksters
- The Peaky Blunders
- The Lost Cause Crew
- The Brooklyn Nine-Winos
- The Ted Lassosers
- Arrested Developmentally Challenged
- The Squid Floppers
- The Un-Supernatural Beings
- The Rick & Wrongies
- The Westworriers
- The Binge Brigade
- The Mockingjays of Thrones
- The Gossip Geeks
- The Cobra Criers
- The Bojack Blunders
- The Looney Toons
- The South Perks
- The Not-So-Mandolorians
- The Streaming Addicts
- The Futurama Fails
- The Bob’s Boogers
- The True Disasters
- The Breaking Good Guys
- The Survivor Dropouts
- The Doctor What?!
- The Vikings Who Can’t Fight
- The Dexterous Dorks
- The Outlandish Outlanders
- The Stranger Strugglers
- The Seinfeld Sidekicks
- The Scrubs Without Degrees
- The House M.D. Dropouts
- The Desperate HouseFails
- The Mad Meh-Men
- The Sons of Mommies
- The Chilling Misadventures
- The Almost Stranger Things
- The Marvelous Mrs. Mess
- The Simpsonized Squad
- The Quirky Queens

Best Pop Culture Team Names
- The Meme Team
- The Viral Vortex
- The Hashtag Heroes
- The 90s Kids Unite
- The TikTok Titans
- The Cosplay Kings & Queens
- The GIF Gods
- The Fandom Frenzy
- The Internet Explorers
- The Geek Chic Crew
- The YouTube Unicorns
- The Binge Watchers
- The Throwback Thrillers
- The Selfie Squad
- The Popcorn Poppers
- The Trendsetters
- The Digital Dominators
- The Stan Club
- The Iconic Influencers
- The Culture Shockers
- The Meme Lords
- The Flashback Friends
- The Tweet Team
- The Reel Rebels
- The Ultimate Fangirls/Fanboys
- The InstaFamous
- The GIF Geniuses
- The Netflix Navigators
- The Fantasy Freaks
- The Movie Buffs
- The Red Carpet Rollers
- The Hashtag Hustlers
- The Streaming Squad
- The Snapchat Streakers
- The Tumblr Trendsetters
- The Podcast Pioneers
- The Blockbuster Binge
- The YouTube Sensations
- The Celeb Stans
- The Comic-Con Crusaders
- The Playlist Pros
- The Screen Junkies
- The Nostalgia Nerds
- The Sci-Fi Squad
- The Live-Stream Legends
- The Award Show Aces
- The Caption Kings
- The Movie Marathoners
- The Viral Visionaries
- The Pop Culture Pioneers

Unique Team Names Based on TV Series
- The Dunder Mifflin Dynasty
- The Heisenberg Hustlers
- The Stark Stronghold
- The Winter Soldiers
- The Fellowship of the Win
- The Lannister Lions
- The Mandalorian Mercenaries
- The Stranger Squad
- The Peaky Performers
- The Jedi Council
- The Squid Survivors
- The Mind Flayers
- The House of Hustle
- The Schitt Creek Swimmers
- The Supernatural Sleuths
- The Ted Lasso Legends
- The Breaking Brains
- The Cobra Kai Strikers
- The Gotham Gladiators
- The Money Heist Bandits
- The Dream Factory
- The Westworld Wanderers
- The Sons of Anarchy
- The Dexter Detectives
- The Mockingjay Masters
- The Outlander Outlaws
- The Red Wedding Crashers
- The Black Mirror Masters
- The Modern Family Mob
- The Bojack Horsemen
- The House of Winners
- The Doctor Who Crew
- The Rick and Rascals
- The Loki Legends
- The Sherlock Squad
- The Gilead Rebels
- The Soprano Syndicate
- The Narcos Network
- The Lost Legends
- The Rebel Alliance
- The Seinfeld Squad
- The Vikings Vanguard
- The Witcher Warriors
- The Unbreakable Kimmy Champs
- The Mad Men Mavericks
- The Game of Throws
- The Mind Palace Masters
- The Kingsman Collective
- The Curb Your Enthusiasm Crew
- The Stranger Kings
Best Team Names Inspired by TV Shows
- The Jedi Masters
- The Wakanda Warriors
- The Breaking Baddies
- The Mandalorian Mercs
- The Game of Throws
- The Stranger Squad
- The Avengers Assemble
- The Lannister Lions
- The Dunder Mifflin All-Stars
- The Ghostbusters
- The Fellowship of the Win
- The Skywalkers
- The Cobra Kai Champs
- The House of Hustlers
- The Money Heist Crew
- The Supernatural Hunters
- The Schitt’s Winners
- The Gotham Knights
- The Mad Max Maniacs
- The Peaky Performers
- The Westworld Wanderers
- The Viking Raiders
- The Sherlock Squad
- The Witcher Warriors
- The Sons of Anarchy
- The Breaking Legends
- The Squid Gamers
- The Outlander Outlaws
- The Dexter Detectives
- The Black Mirror Rebels
- The Red Wedding Crashers
- The Doctor Who Crew
- The Ted Lasso Legends
- The Narcos Network
- The Loki Legends
- The Futurama Freaks
- The Seinfeld Superstars
- The Unbreakable Kimmy Squad
- The How I Met Your Winners
- The Parks & Rec Pros
- The Twilight Titans
- The Sons of Muggles
- The Gilead Rebels
- The Oppenheimer Operators
- The Barbie Dream Team
- The Hunger Games Survivors
- The Modern Family Mob
- The Red Carpet Rulers
- The House of Dragons
- The Jurassic Giants

Funny and Creative Team Names from TV show
- The Office Jokers
- The Meme Team
- The Breaking Buffoons
- The Couch Potatoes
- The Binge Watchers
- The Game of Groans
- The Schitt Show
- The Walking Dorks
- The Big Bang Bloopers
- The Stranger Pings
- The Parks & Wrecked
- The Mandalaughians
- The Ghostbust-Ups
- The Fast But Not Furious
- The Sopran-No’s
- The Arrested Developers
- The Rick & Mortified
- The Avengers… But Slower
- The Seinfeld Sidekicks
- The Desperate HouseFails
- The Ted Lass-noobs
- The True Misfits
- The Westworriers
- The Not-So-Supernatural
- The Viking Wimps
- The Brooklyn Nine-Winos
- The Super Meh Team
- The Lost But Not Found
- The Blunder Years
- The Mad Meh-Men
- The Squid Floppers
- The Mythbusters Busted
- The G.O.T. Gone Wrong
- The Dexterous Dummies
- The Walking Zzzs
- The Gossip Geeks
- The Cobra Cryers
- The Futurama Fools
- The Poorly Animated Squad
- The Not-So-Mandalorians
- The Marvelous Misses
- The Breaking Good Guys
- The House M.D. Dropouts
- The True Detectives (Kinda)
- The Vikings Who Can’t Fight
- The Survivor Dropouts
- The Almost Stranger Things
- The Narco-Nots
- The Peaky Blunders
- The Fast & The Curious
Pop Culture-Inspired Names for Trivia and Sports Teams
- The Infinity Gauntlet Gang
- The Daily Prophets
- The Mad Max Marathoners
- The Wakanda Forever Squad
- The Jedi Mind Tricks
- The Game of Phones
- The Peaky Blinders Trivia Crew
- The Time Travelers
- The Breaking Trivia
- The Gotham Gladiators
- The Supernatural Sleuths
- The 007 Agents
- The Slytherin Slayers
- The Stranger Facts
- The Cobra Kai Kickers
- The Jedi Trivia Masters
- The Mockingjays
- The Matrix Masters
- The Top Guns
- The Time Lords
- The Rick and Quizzies
- The Fellowship of the Trivia
- The House of Knowledge
- The Quiz Kingsmen
- The Avengers of Answers
- The Game of Scores
- The Oppenheimer Geniuses
- The Barbie Brainiacs
- The Squid Survivors
- The Doctor Who Knows
- The House of Wins
- The Westworld Whizzes
- The Red Wedding Planners
- The Mind Flayers
- The Breaking News Team
- The Matrix Mavericks
- The Stark Raving Mad
- The Loki Low-Key Geniuses
- The Jurassic Brains
- The Fast & The Thinkers
- The Dunder Mifflin Trivia Team
- The Mandalorian Mindset
- The Seinfeld Smarty Pants
- The Rebel Alliance
- The Dexterous Thinkers
- The Hunger Gamers
- The Stranger Theories
- The Squid Smarties
- The Narco-Notables
- The Trivia Kings

Iconic Team Names Based on Famous TV Characters
- The Stark Strikers
- The Lannister Lions
- The McDreamy Squad
- The Mandalorians
- The Heisenberg Hustlers
- The Sheldon Coopers
- The Dutton Dynasty
- The Michael Scott Squad
- The Jon Snowflakes
- The Walter Whites
- The Dwight Army of Champions
- The Tony Sopranos
- The House of Targaryens
- The Jesse Pinkmans
- The Dunder Mifflin Dominators
- The Coach Lasso Legends
- The Bojack Bronies
- The Better Call Squad
- The Ted Lasso Underdogs
- The Saul Goodmans
- The Ragnar Raiders
- The Barney Stinson Bros
- The Daenerys Dragons
- The Tommy Shelby Crew
- The Loki Tricksters
- The Dexter Detectives
- The Fleabag Friends
- The Eleven Eleven Squad
- The Chandler Bings
- The Phoebe Buffays
- The Kramer Krazies
- The Arya Stark Assassins
- The Cartman Chaos
- The SpongeBob Squad
- The Rick Grimes Gang
- The Stranger Kids
- The Peaky Blinders
- The Sherlock Superstars
- The G.O.T. Winners
- The Joey Tribbianis
- The Walter White Walkers
- The Sons of Ragnar
- The Tony Starks
- The WandaVisionaries
- The Mr. Robot Hackers
- The Tyrion Tacticians
- The Dwight Schrutes
- The Ted Mosbys
- The Marty McFlies
- The Darth Vaders

Famous Squad Names from TV Series
- The Dunder Mifflin Crew (The Office)
- The Stranger Things Party
- The Friends Gang
- The Peaky Blinders
- The Brooklyn Nine-Niners
- The Breaking Bad Chemists
- The Mandalorians
- The Sons of Anarchy
- The Squid Gamers
- The Supernatural Hunters
- The Game of Thrones Houses
- The Rick & Morty Multiverse
- The Walking Dead Survivors
- The Office Jokers
- The Gossip Girl Elite
- The Ted Lasso Legends
- The Witcher Warriors
- The Westworld Wanderers
- The Cobra Kai Dojo
- The Narcos Cartel
- The Dexter Detectives
- The How I Met Your Mother Crew
- The Full House Family
- The Fresh Prince Squad
- The That ‘70s Show Crew
- The Seinfeld Sidekicks
- The Parks & Recreation Pros
- The Modern Family Mob
- The Schitt’s Creek Winners
- The Big Bang Theorists
- The Vikings Warriors
- The Futurama Freaks
- The Arrested Development Misfits
- The Charmed Ones
- The House M.D. Diagnosticians
- The Gossip Girls
- The West Wing Strategists
- The Lost Survivors
- The Euphoria Dreamers
- The Red Wedding Survivors
- The 13 Reasons Why Crew
- The Doctor Who Time Travelers
- The Orange is the New Black Inmates
- The Gilead Rebels (The Handmaid’s Tale)
- The Twin Peaks Detectives
- The Mindhunter Profilers
- The Stranger Squad
- The Outlander Time Travelers
- The Smallville Heroes
- The Gilmore Girls Duo
Fantasy and Sci-Fi Team Names
- The Galactic Rebels
- The Dragonborn Warriors
- The Time Lords
- The Cybernetic Titans
- The Hogwarts Legends
- The Space Rangers
- The Shadow Hunters
- The Mythic Quest Crew
- The Alien Invaders
- The Lightspeed Travelers
- The Middle-earth Guardians
- The Wizards of the Realm
- The Steampunk Strikers
- The Starfleet Commanders
- The Parallel Universe Explorers
- The Mystical Mages
- The Supernova Squad
- The Legendary Warlocks
- The Celestial Wanderers
- The Nebula Navigators
- The Mutant Syndicate
- The Omega Prophets
- The Enchanted Circle
- The Chosen Ones
- The Faerie Court
- The Space Cowboys
- The Magic Keepers
- The Planar Travelers
- The Interstellar Nomads
- The Elven Rangers
- The Spellcasters
- The Kingdom Defenders
- The Stargazers
- The Cosmic Champions
- The Infinity Knights
- The Dragon Slayers
- The Portal Guardians
- The Celestial Sentinels
- The Rogue Alchemists
- The Wizarding Warriors
- The Exiled Champions
- The Elders of the Realm
- The Sci-Fi Strategists
- The Voidwalkers
- The Starbound Seekers
- The Time Loopers
- The Mecha Warriors
- The Futuristic Legends
- The Shadowy Figures
- The Etherborn Heroes
This is also on our list of names for Best Team Names for Women & Girls

Pop Culture Team Names
- Meme Dream Team
- The Pop Icons
- Trendsetters United
- Hashtag Squad
- Viral Sensations
- The Nostalgia Crew
- Clickbait Champions
- Streaming Legends
- The Culture Club
- Internet Explorers
- The Fandom Force
- The Reel Stars
- Hype Train Riders
- The Remix Rebels
- The Influencer Elite
- The GIF Masters
- The Emoji Warriors
- Popcorn & Pixels
- The Easter Egg Hunters
- The Soundtrack Squad
- The Reaction GIFs
- The Retro Revival
- Meme Lords & Ladies
- The Spotify Shuffle
- Cancel Culture Survivors
- The Superfan Syndicate
- The TikTok Titans
- The Movie Buffs
- The Comic Book Crew
- The Trending Topics
- The Fan Fictionists
- The Spoiler Alerts
- The Late-Night Bingers
- The Collector’s Edition
- The Cameo Crew
- The Nerd Herd
- Binge-Watch Brigade
- The Popcorn Posse
- The Plot Twisters
- The #SquadGoals
- The Easter Egg Experts
- Meme Royalty
- The Trailer Junkies
- The Multiverse Squad
- The Spin-Off Kings
- The Buzzword Bros
- The Hollywood Walkers
- The Netflix Navigators
- The Red Carpet Crew
- The Blockbuster Buffs

This is also on our list of names for Esports Team Names
TV Show Trivia Team Names
- The Syndicated Scholars
- The Must-See TV Masters
- The Channel Changers
- The TV Buffs
- The Pilot Watchers
- The Spoiler Police
- The Cliffhanger Crew
- The 90s Sitcom Squad
- The Binge-Watch Wizards
- The TV Guide Gurus
- The Prime Time Players
- The Streaming Stars
- The Next Episode Addicts
- The Commercial Breakers
- The Emmy-Worthy Team
- The Reboot Rejects
- The Big Bang Thinkers
- The Couch Critics
- The Spin-Off Squad
- The Laugh Track Legends
- The TV Dinner Club
- The Fandom Masters
- The Channel Surfers
- The Live Studio Audience
- The Reality Show Rejects
- The Nielsen Ratings Crew
- The Syndication Superstars
- The Sitcom Survivors
- The Episode Experts
- The TV Trivia Titans
- The Nostalgia Network
- The Talk Show Hosts
- The Must-See TV Buffs
- The Streaming Addicts
- The Award Show Analysts
- The Late-Night Legends
- The Rerun Rangers
- The Showstopper Squad
- The Drama Kings & Queens
- The TV Addicts
- The Clip Show Crew
- The Best Supporting Cast
- The Series Finale Theorists
- The Guest Star Gurus
- The True Crime Bingers
- The Documentary Detectives
- The Syndication All-Stars
- The Talk Show Titans
- The Best Episode Ever Crew
- The Small Screen Savants
Pop Culture Trivia Team Names
- Meme Machine
- The Viral Sensations
- Hashtag Heroes
- The GIF Masters
- Trending Now
- The Clickbait Crew
- Internet Explorers
- The Fandom Force
- The Pop Icons
- The Culture Club
- Streaming Addicts
- The Social Media Stars
- The Reaction GIFs
- The Throwback Squad
- The Meme Lords
- Hype Train Riders
- The TikTok Titans
- Popcorn & Pixels
- The Soundtrack Squad
- The Easter Egg Hunters
- The Spoiler Alerts
- The Superfan Syndicate
- Cancel Culture Survivors
- The Multiverse Minds
- The Cameo Crew
- The Remix Rebels
- The Netflix Navigators
- The Red Carpet Rebels
- The Collector’s Edition
- The Late-Night Legends
- The Box Office Buffs
- The Pop Culture Junkies
- The Super Streamers
- The Golden Era Gang
- The Spoiler-Free Zone
- The Reel Trivia Masters
- The Remake Rebels
- The Spin-Off Kings
- The Streaming Scholars
- The Reality Show Rejects
- The Award Show Analysts
- The Iconic Duos
- The Blockbuster Buffs
- The True Crime Bingers
- The Trendsetters
- The Sequel Survivors
- The Soundbite Squad
- The Plot Twisters
- The Late-Night Bingers
- The Ultimate Binge-Watchers
TV Show Team Name Ideas
- The Scene Stealers
- The Opening Credits Crew
- The Cliffhanger Kings
- The Pilot Episode Experts
- The Rerun Rangers
- The Must-See TV Squad
- The Talk Show Titans
- The Rotten Tomatoes Crew
- The Couch Potatoes
- Lights, Camera, Trivia!
- The TV Buffs
- The Drama Queens & Kings
- The Final Cut Crew
- The Cinematic Scholars
- The Syndication Squad
- The Award Show Analysts
- The Character Arcs
- The Prime Time Players
- The Big Screen Buffs
- The Streaming Superstars
- The True Crime Detectives
- The Emmy-Worthy Team
- The Sitcom Survivors
- The Superfans
- The Spin-Off Squad
- The Box Office Busters
- The Script Readers
- The Nielsen Ratings Crew
- The Golden Age Gang
- The Plot Hole Detectives
- The One-Liner Legends
- The Guest Star Gurus
- The Movie Night Masters
- The Soundtrack Stars
- The TV Dinner Club
- The Breaking News Buffs
- The TV Tropes Titans
- The Channel Surfers
- The Reality Show Renegades
- The Talk Show Hosts
- The Flashback Fanatics
- The Oscar-Worthy Squad
- The Midnight Movie Club
- The Hollywood Buffs
- The Netflix Navigators
- The Stunt Double Squad
- The Movie Marathoners
- The Rotten Tomato Critics
- The Box Office Champs
- The Scene Stealers
TV Show-Inspired Group Names
- Stranger Pals
- The Fellowship of the Trivia
- The Jedi Masters
- The Upside Downers
- The Office Mates
- The Avengers Assemble
- Breaking Brains
- The Simpsons Scholars
- Winter is Trivia
- Wakanda Forever
- The Game of Phones
- The Binge-Watch Brigade
- The Mandalorians
- The Marvelous Minds
- The Starfleet Crew
- The Friends Reunion
- The Breaking News Bingers
- The House of Wins
- The Squad from the Shire
- The Godfather Gang
- The Jurassic Geniuses
- The Cartel Chronicles
- The Fast & The Curious
- The Gotham Knights
- The Sherlock Squad
- The Big Bang Brains
- The Star Wars Superfans
- The Parks & Rec Players
- The Wizarding Wonders
- The Neverending Trivia
- The Muggles & Wizards
- The Sitcom Superstars
- The Targaryen Thinkers
- The Planet Express Crew
- The Sci-Fi Syndicate
- The Trivia Rangers
- The Marvel Cinemaniacs
- The Thrones Scholars
- The Loki Variants
- The Rebel Alliance
- The Wand Wavers
- The Westworld Wonders
- The Stranger Thinkers
- The Black Mirror Minds
- The House of Cards Crew
- The Breaking Badasses
- The Goonies Never Say Die
- The Supernatural Squad
- The Cobra Kai Crew
- The How I Met Your Winners
This is also on our list of names for Accounting Team Names
And that’s a wrap! With over 1000 TV show-inspired team names to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your squad. Whether you’re a fan of sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, or drama, we’ve got you covered. So, go ahead and roll out the red carpet – your team is ready for its close-up!
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Consider your team’s personality, interests, and values. You can also take inspiration from your favorite TV shows!
It’s generally a good idea to come up with a unique team name to avoid confusion and show your team’s individuality.
Think outside the box and get creative! You can use puns, wordplay, or allusions to create a team name that’s both clever and memorable.